Technology Workforce Trends and Insights
The forces shaping the workforce and learning landscape continue to provide a glimpse into a world of greater opportunity and of unsettling disruption. CompTIA’s latest research delves into the state of the tech workforce, exploring how trends such as talent mobility, T-shaped skills models, training fatigue and AI affect short and longer-term career development efforts.
Join CompTIA’s Tim Herbert for a lively discussion of data, trends, and more. Learn how to best leverage CompTIA research resources to support your business and strategic initiatives.
Speaker Tim Herbert
Tim Herbert serves as the Chief Research Officer at The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA). Under his leadership, CompTIA publishes a wide range of reports, briefs, and data analysis to make sense of the ever-changing tech landscape.
CompTIA’s Cyberstates report is recognized as the definitive guide to tech workforce trends, economic impact, innovation, and more. Herbert regularly pens articles for industry publications, presents at industry conferences, and in his 20+ years as a technology analyst, has been cited in numerous media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Wired Magazine and many others.
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