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Become A Member

Join over 350 companies from a diverse range of markets and industries! TAI empowers members to succeed by providing professional networks, events, resources, and support while driving growth and innovation to lead Iowa forward.

TAI member benefits apply to everyone in your organization and include access to:

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Participate in exclusive, high-value roundtable discussions and action-driven committees.

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Discover upcoming tech events in your area including TAI member events.

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Add or browse the latest open positions. The job board is updated frequently and shared on social media.

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Member Directory

Members have access to the full member directory including contacts at member organizations.

Select your membership group and plan below


Startup Members are Iowa’s newest companies that have been in operation for less than three years and have less than $500K in annual revenue.


Non-Profit Members are organizations supporting the technology community, including business associations, local chamber groups, and economic development agencies.

Tech Industry

Technology Industry Members are companies and IT organizations involved in the research, development, manufacture, supply or sales of high technology products, services, materials or components.

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Affiliate Members are professional service firms and other vendors serving technology companies. Examples of such affiliate members include law firms, accounting firms, and staffing firms.

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Educational Institutions are Colleges, Universities, and School Districts that deliver technology or computer science curriculums.

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Interest Form

Join A TAI Roundtable

Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining one of Technology Association of Iowa’s Roundtables.

Participation in the CIO, CISO or CEO Roundtables is exclusively reserved for technology executives of TAI member organizations with these (or comparable) job titles. All other TAI Roundtables is exclusively reserved for individuals employed by TAI member organizations. Not a member? Join now.

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