Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Workforce & Education Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Workforce & Education Committee focuses on the challenges and paths to success related to talent development, recruitment, retention, and technology education to build awareness and pursue solutions to support a robust talent pipeline, which is critical to the growth and success of Iowa’s tech industry. The Workforce & Education...

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Meeting

Virtual IA, United States

TAI’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Committee focuses on purpose-driven DEI initiatives that advocate for and support a diverse and equitable technology industry that is inclusive and welcomes all Iowans to participate in Iowa’s innovation economy. The DEI Committee meets virtually on a monthly basis and is open to all...

Interest Form

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Participation in the CIO, CISO or CEO Roundtables is exclusively reserved for technology executives of TAI member organizations with these (or comparable) job titles. All other TAI Roundtables is exclusively reserved for individuals employed by TAI member organizations. Not a member? Join now.

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