Generative AI for Business Analysts with Apex Systems

Virtual IA

Generative AI for Business Analysts with Apex Systems Tired of confusing headlines and sci-fi portrayals of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Join us for AMAi, a dynamic keynote session that cuts through the hype and empowers you to understand the present and future of AI. This is your chance to: Gain a…

DevOpsDSM – August Lightning Talks

Source Allies 4501 NW Urbandale Dr., Urbandale

August Lightning Talks DevOpsDSM DevOpsDSM August Meetup is Wednesday, August 28th at 6pm.! Join us in person to hear Lightning Talks by Wes Brueland (Principal Asset Management) on Godot Build Process & Lessons Learned, Joey Holtkamp (Source Allies) on MegaLinter and John Lengeling (Source Allies) on Techniques to Speed Up…

Experiencing UX Meetup

Lean TECHniques Office 9131 Northpark Drive, Johnston

Experiencing UX - Fall Social/Networking It's technically not fall yet, but the kids are back in school, so we're counting it. Join us this month for a casual UX meetup where professionals from across the area come together for a fun social meet-and-greet! Whether you're a seasoned UX designer or…

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