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Startup Roundtable

February 27 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

TAI’s Startup Roundtable is designed to facilitate discussion and share ideas focused on Iowa’s startup and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Roundtable discussions provide startup leaders and entrepreneurs with a discussion platform to network and share ideas. Previous roundtable topics have included statewide incentives and programs.

Discussion topic and roundtable moderator information will be available soon.

The Startup Roundtable meets virtually on a quarterly basis and is open to all TAI members. Fill out the form below to submit your interest to join the roundtable.

Submit Your Interest to Join Today!


February 27
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:
Interest Form

Join A TAI Roundtable

Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining one of Technology Association of Iowa’s Roundtables.

Participation in the CIO, CISO or CEO Roundtables is exclusively reserved for technology executives of TAI member organizations with these (or comparable) job titles. All other TAI Roundtables is exclusively reserved for individuals employed by TAI member organizations. Not a member? Join now.

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