While today’s major technology companies have a comprehensive record on each of us, many schools rely solely on a list of grades completed and classes passed as their record of a student’s progress, failing to portray a comprehensive profile of a learner.
This is about to change, thanks to standardized comprehensive learner records. A learner or employee record follows a student from formal to informal learning situations, allowing students to share their unique talents, abilities, interests, and backgrounds. The question is what to do after consistently collecting all that learner data and evidence in a single record. A learner record can be provided to postsecondary education institutions and to employers. It can be secured and exchanged on the blockchain. A learner record can facilitate lifelong learning and portable skills. And it can be powered by AI, profiling a learner with multimodal data analysis – creating a holistic, 360 degree view of a person. With a learner profile, the possibilities are endless.
Join the Iowa EdTech Collaborative and Riiid Labs for an EdTech Talk on Powering Portable Learner Records on Thursday, January 20th from 4:30–5:30pm. Marten Roorda, Riiid Labs’ Chief Measurement and Learning Officer, will lead a discussion with national EdTech thought leaders about how portable student records are set to transform learners’ educational and job opportunities around the world.
You are welcome to join us via Zoom [RSVP at http://bit.ly/3pP84W8] or in-person at MERGE coworking in Iowa City [136 S. Dubuque St. Iowa City] for our watch party + post-event happy hour.
Our thought leader panel includes:
• Alex Kaplan, Global Leader, IBM Digital Credentials, WW Leader, Learning Credential Network Talent Transformation Service Line
• Dr. Donna Kidwell, Chief Information Security and Digital Trust Officer, Arizona State University
• Sharon Leu, Executive in Residence Jobs for the Future (JFF) Labs
• Sanje Ratnavale, President, OESIS Network and Publisher, Intrepid ED News