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Intro to Generative AI Workshop with Drake University

June 7, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Intro to Generative AI Workshop

Join us for this one-day workshop on Artificial Intelligence at Drake University. Attendees will learn about current generative AI tools and gain ideas of how those tools can be used in their professional lives. We’ll also discuss how they should not be used, terms of service and ethical issues related to AI tools. This event is open to the general public.

You’ll be testing out tools such as Chat GPT, Google Bard, Midjourney, DALL-E 3 and more during the day. So bring your laptop to get hands-on with these tools. We’ll end the day by creating a plan for how you can use more artificial intelligence tools as a part of your daily routine.

This workshop will be led by the director of Drake University’s Artificial Intelligence major, Chris Porter, and digital media professor Chris Snider.

Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/intro-to-generative-ai-workshop-at-drake-university-in-person-and-virtual-tickets-894064379627?aff=beehive



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