This episode of TAI's webinar series, Iowa Tech: A Look Inside The Virtual Workforce, features Dave Tucker, Senior Advisor for Next Level Ventures and Workiva. Dave discusses his approach to career transitions and key things to keep in mind when things go wrong. #UniteIowaTech

Check out what we have planned for Iowa's tech community in May with Mollie Ross, Director of Operations at TAI. #UniteIowaTech *Note: The CIO Roundtable has been rescheduled to May 7th.

Executive Leaders face different challenges with cyber risk management. The challenges are magnified as organizations face the new realities of working from home. Change this fast is complex to digest and manage. The impact on cybersecurity risk can get lost in the action. ProCircular’s CEO, Aaron R. Warner, will share

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Participation in the CIO, CISO or CEO Roundtables is exclusively reserved for technology executives of TAI member organizations with these (or comparable) job titles. All other TAI Roundtables is exclusively reserved for individuals employed by TAI member organizations. Not a member? Join now.

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