2025 TAI Sponsorships

Event & Digital Advertising Sponsorship Opportunities

Why invest?
Unlock unparalleled access to Iowa's largest network of decision-makers, business leaders, and technology professionals across diverse industries through the Technology Association of Iowa (TAI).

Expand your company's influence, shape public policy, position yourself as a thought leader, and build relationships with key decision-makers. Discover a wealth of opportunities to elevate your brand and strengthen your business.

Invest in the future of Iowa's technology industry today!
TAI's statewide audience comprises:
Key Benefits

Expand Your Audience

TAI sponsorship helps get your brand in front of Iowa's largest network of tech professionals, decision-makers and business leaders across all markets and industries. We work with you to understand your business goals, serve as an extension of your brand, and help maximize your investment.

Make Key Connections

It's all about relationships, so we focus on positioning you in front of the right people. Our talented team is experienced in guiding sponsors to find the right event with the right audience at the right time. TAI's active network includes CIOs, CTOs, CISOs, business leaders and engaged industry professionals from global companies to innovative start-ups across the state.

Strengthen the Ecosystem

TAI sponsorship positions your organization to support growth and sustainability initiatives that drive Iowa's economy forward. In addition, sponsorship supports the TAI mission and programs that provide returns to all industry organizations and help build a united and strong Iowa technology community. We seek to position Iowa as the #1 state in the Midwest for technology innovation, talent, and leadership.

Grow Your Business

Leverage TAI event sponsorship to find and attract talent, bring in qualified leads, or promote your product. Whatever your goals are, TAI offers opportunities to help you market, grow, and evolve your business.
Interest Form
Interested in sponsoring a TAI event or digital advertising in 2025? Please fill out the interest form below.
Interest Form

Join A TAI Roundtable

Please fill out this form to indicate your interest in joining one of Technology Association of Iowa’s Roundtables.

Participation in the CIO, CISO or CEO Roundtables is exclusively reserved for technology executives of TAI member organizations with these (or comparable) job titles. All other TAI Roundtables is exclusively reserved for individuals employed by TAI member organizations. Not a member? Join now.

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